Hello, Welcome To

"Ink Your Story, Define Your Identity"

About Me

Meet Manish Karki, a distinguished tattoo artist with over two years of industry experience. Trained at the prestigious Aliens Tattoo Institute in Mumbai, I've cultivated a mastery of various tattooing styles, from traditional to contemporary. With a commitment to precision and creativity, I specialize in bringing your unique vision to life through intricate designs and expert craftsmanship. Let's collaborate to create your next unforgettable piece of body art!


My Work

  • Why Choose Us?

    Hygiene You Can Trust

    Safety is paramount. Our studio adheres to the strictest sterilization protocols. We use only disposable needles and single-use equipment, ensuring a clean and healthy environment for every tattoo.

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    Professionalism at Every Step

    Our artists are not just talented; they're experienced and passionate about their craft. They consistently hone their skills, attending workshops and staying updated on the latest tattooing techniques. You can be confident that you're entrusting your body art to a true professional.

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    Assistance in Bringing Your Vision to Life:

    Whether you have a clear idea or just a spark of inspiration, our artists will collaborate with you. They'll guide you through the design process, refining your concept and ensuring the final piece perfectly complements your style and anatomy.

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    Where to Find us

    Lane Number 04, near police station, Bhagirathi Puram
    Clement Town, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248002.
    "Our current location is still being updated on Google Maps,
    so please use this map link to reach my place. Thank you!"

    Let's Connect

    My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!